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Thursday Quote of the Day
Are You Patient Enough to See Bliss in the Growth?
Slow is Underrated—Just Like Sleep
Spirit, guide me through my personal journey of patience. Hold my hand as I navigate the journey and keep me strong throughout.
Patience is a word that I often want to swim past, keeping my head facing true north, not looking left or right as patience dances in my periphery. I’m not fond of it. I admit I have become a bit impatient at times. The faster things become, the more impatient we are.
Adopt the pace of nature: Her secret is patience. — Ralph Waldo Emerson
If you think about it, nature is very patient. She starts slow, allowing her roots to spread and reach, digging into the earth for nourishment as the trunks, branches, stems, and flowers grow up and out, reaching for the sun.
The attraction to the Redwood Forest in Northern California is the tall redwood trees. There are three trees that are so tall and wide that they have cutouts for cars to drive through. One of the trees, Chandelier Tree, is estimated to be…