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How Much Courage Does it Take to Walk on Water?

There are lessons to learn from Peter’s heart and soul

Nancy Blackman, MASF


Created in Canva by Nancy Blackman

Spirit, take my hand and guide me out of fear. Help me to lean onto Courage as I walk on water.

Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. —T. S. Eliot

As soon as I saw this T.S. Eliot quote, I thought about Peter getting out of a boat. Peter claimed to be incredibly passionate about following Jesus and when he and his friends are found in a boat in turbulent water, he follows his heart.

Peter and his buddies are in a small boat in stormy weather, getting knocked around, but sometime in the dead of night, Jesus shows up, walking across the water. (Matthew 14:22–33, The VOICE)

One of the guys says, “It’s a ghost!”
Another guy asks, “A ghost? What will we do?”
(Matt.14:26b with my adaptation)

Are you cringing or laughing right now?

Then, Jesus says, “Be still. It is I. You have nothing to fear.”
Peter chimes in and says, “Lord, if it is really You, then command me to meet You on the water.”
(Matt. 14:27–28)



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