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Let God Winnow the Chaff from Your Soul and Spirituality
#AdventWord: Winnow
Spirit, blow your air and breath through me to remove the chaff from my soul and spirituality.
To winnow means to “blow a current of air through (grain) in order to remove the chaff; to remove (people or things) from a group until only the best ones are left; to find or identify (a valuable or useful part of something).
The word “winnow” is about removal so that the good parts come to the surface. When thinking of your soul, winnowing removes obstacles so that you can have life again, be fruitful, and thrive.
“He comes with a winnowing fork in his hands and comes to his threshing floor to sift what is worthless from what is pure. And he is ready to sweep out his threshing floor and gather his wheat into his granary, but the straw he will burn up with a fire that can’t be extinguished!”” (Matthew 3:12, TPT)
Whichever translation you read, to winnow will end up being the removal of something or someone. This also indicates that God, in the role of gardener, is tilling and winnowing your soul.
When the wheat goes through a winnowing process, there is a separation of good and bad. Air is blown onto the wheat to remove the bad parts. This…