Member-only story
Round Up Week 12–18 December
Theme: Self Reflection
Writing Prompt
Write about a cause that is close to your heart. Tell us why it is important to you.
Feel free to be creative with your submission (i.e., write a poem, flash fiction, combination of poetry and prose, etc.).
Do you have a special needs child or know someone who does? The love, compassion and work that goes into caring for that beautiful child can be overwhelming. Joyce Nielsen shares what life is like for her great-grandson, Cyrus.
“My body limits me. It’s like living in a shell. I walk funny, leaning to one side. I wear a plastic device behind one leg. It irritates me. I have special shoes to help my balance. Mommy has to put them on my feet. I want to be able to do it myself, like my sister.”
Being homeless as a kid might lead you to share that compassion for other homeless individuals as you get older. DR Rawson - The Possibilist didn’t just donate. He and a partner founded an organization for a short time that helped feed children living on…