Member-only story
Round Up Week 14–20 November
Theme: Self Development
Writing Prompt
What is your life motto, or what words do you live by?
Is there a quote that you keep close to your heart — words that guide you through your life decisions and life itself? Why this life motto? Why this quote? Why this particular reading of a holy text?
When you realize that you are meant to do certain things, perseverance is necessary. Bear Kosik graduated high school early with his parent’s blessing.
As only one example, the word “persevere” reminded him “of the mornings I trudged through my two-mile-long newspaper route delivering 43 papers.”
And so he muttered as he persevered.
The motto that DR Rawson - The Possibilist learned to live by (and I am witness to it) is, “How can I help you?” When we occasionally chat, he will always ask how he can help. To be honest, I think many people can be stumped by that, but knowing that needed to be his life mission has served him well.