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Song Lyrics Can Make You or Break You

Transport your heart, mind, and soul with songs

Nancy Blackman, MASF


Have You Ever Listened to the Lyrics of Songs? by Nancy Blackman, music, songs, spirituality, refresh the soul
Created in Canva by Nancy Blackman

The Power of Music

Music has a powerful way of either making you want to get up and dance or break you into tears.


  1. Music transforms the way you look at yourself.
  2. Has the power to move your soul.
  3. Can help give reflection upon your life.
  4. Lift your mood.
  5. Gives meaning to situations and life in general.
  6. Empowers you to worship.
  7. Has the ability to bring out emotions or give clarity—define, inspire, comfort, energize, bring joy or sadness.

The word “worship” in Greek is proskuneo, which transliterally means, “kiss, like a dog licking its master’s hand.”

When life is bringing you down, maybe listen to some

Prince — Let’s Go Crazy

And if the elevator tries to bring you down
Go crazy — punch a higher floor



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