What Happens When Things Don’t Quite Go as Planned?
Do you punt or keep going?
Spirit, give me the courage and perseverance to keep going when the unexpected happens.
Have you ever started out doing something with expectations in mind of how it would end up? Then, somewhere along the way, things start to go in a different direction — not as you had hoped or expected.
What happens when things don’t quite go as planned?
You begin to wonder if this was what you were meant to do, but you don’t give up. You keep going.
A bit more time passes, and you realize that things are going well, but it isn’t turning out the way you hoped or planned. Still, you wonder if you are meant to be doing this. It seemed right at the time when you said yes.
Just because things hadn’t gone the way I had planned didn’t necessarily mean they had gone wrong. — Ann Patchett
I felt that way 6 months into my writing journey on Medium, but my Inner Voice told me to stick with it for one year. After a year, my stats started to even out, and, if I’m honest, the $$ are better too.